Wine and food pairing with recipes of Carpaccio of yellowfin tuna

Find the best food and wine pairings with a recipe of Carpaccio of yellowfin tuna. The ingredients in this recipe are usually salt, tomato, onion, olive oil, capers, tuna, knife.

The best appellations to pair with a recipe of Carpaccio of yellowfin tuna

The wines that pair with a recipe of Carpaccio of yellowfin tuna

About Rich fish (salmon, tuna etc)

Fatty fish, also called "blue fish", are species rich in omega-3 and lipids, such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, anchovies, herring, trout, smoked eel or tuna. It is best to cook it gently and quickly, such as steaming or steaming it, or even eating it raw to get the most out of the benefits of fatty fish.

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Food and wine pairings with of Carpaccio of yellowfin tuna ingredients