Wines made from Nero d'Avola grapes of Italy - Page 8

Discover the best wines made with Nero d'Avola as a single variety or as a blend of Italy.

More informations about the variety Nero d'Avola

Most certainly of Italian origin, more precisely from Sicily where it is very well known. It should be noted that a certain number of Italian grape varieties bear the synonym or name "calabrese", whether or not followed by an epithet, and care should be taken not to confuse them. Calabrese is also known in the United States, Italy, Bulgaria and Malta. In France, it is virtually absent from the vineyard, although it is listed in the Official Catalogue of Wine Grape Varieties, list A1.

More informations about the wines of Italy

Italy - home of Moscato, Chianti, Amarone and Prosecco">Prosecco - has a Rich and diverse wine heritage that dates back over two thousand years. Famous for its astonishing diversity of Grape varieties and wine styles, Italy is also important for the Volume of wine it produces: just over 4 billion liters (about 1. 06 billion U. S.

What are the typical flavors of the Nero d'Avola grape variety?

News about the grape variety Nero d'Avola

Ornellaia Vendemmia d’Artista 2019 auction raises more than $300,000

To showcase the project’s capacity to make art more accessible, the iconic Tuscan winery hosted a festive gathering at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City to announce the results of the Vendemmia d’Artista 2019 ‘Il Vigore’ auction. Coordinated by Sotheby’s, the online auction raised £267,000 for the museum’s Mind’s Eye programme, which helps blind and low-vision people experience art using all the senses. Swedish artists Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg were ...

The Macallan Horizon created in collaboration with Bentley Motors

The concept, developed by design teams from both companies, borrows ideas from the automotive world in its use of a horizontal, rather than vertical, bottle design, and in holding back some important information about the product to be released at a later date. Macallan master whisky maker Kirsteen Campbell has already finalised the liquid for Horizon, following a visit to Bentley’s headquarters in Crewe, but no details about the whisky, its price or its availability, will be released until earl ...

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