Wine and food pairing with recipes of Pink shrimp salad

Find the best food and wine pairings with a recipe of Pink shrimp salad. The ingredients in this recipe are usually tomato, garlic, lemon, balsamic vinegar, parsley, button mushroom, shrimp, walnut oil, nuts, mesclun.

The best appellations to pair with a recipe of Pink shrimp salad

The wines that pair with a recipe of Pink shrimp salad

About Mushrooms

Girolles, ceps, button mushrooms, coulemelles... Mushrooms are a delight to add to autumn dishes. Mushrooms can be used in an infinite number of ways and are a real source of flavour in everyday recipes. Sliced, porous, spherical, capped or elongated, there are thousands of varieties of mushrooms. From grey to brown, passing through intense reds or blue, they can measure from a few millimetres to several centimetres in diameter and height. It is best to avoid immersing them in water to clean them, otherwise they will lose their flavour as they absorb the water. Instead, use a toothbrush or paper towel to clean all sides of the mushroom. Discover original food and wine pairings with mushrooms.

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Food and wine pairings with of Pink shrimp salad ingredients