Wines made from Poulsard grapes of France
Discover the best wines made with Poulsard as a single variety or as a blend of France.
Poulsard is a red grape variety that originated in the Franche-Comté region. In 1732, it was qualified as a good grape variety with several others by the parliament of Besançon at the time. It currently covers nearly 300 ha. This variety has 3 approved clones: 296, 584 and 464. Poulsard has slightly hairy branches with long tendrils. Its leaves are yellow in color. Although its bunches are small, its berries are often medium-sized or larger. Poulsard is quite sensitive to scorching, spring frosts and coulure. It is also afraid of oidium, mildew and grey rot. This grape variety appreciates clayey, fat and marly soils. Its fertility is average, so it is preferable to prune it long. It buds quite early. Poulsard produces a wine with a light structure, fine and aromatic. It can be kept for years. This wine goes well with poultry, red meat, cheese and starters.
France, home of Bordeaux, Burgundy and Champagne, is arguably the world's largest wine-producing country. For centuries, it has produced more wine - and apparently better quality - than any other country. Wine is embedded in French culture at almost every level of society; it is the drink of the elite and the common people, and a key symbol of Roman Catholicism, the majority religion in France. However, the lasting appeal of French wine is not necessarily its Volume or prestige, but rather the variety of styles available.
Tina Gellie, Content Manager and Regional Editor (Australia, South Africa, New Zealand & Canada) It was a big year of Decanter travel for me, heading to Napa and New York in June, South Africa in October and most recently a week each in Margaret River and South Australia. These trips have formed the basis of my festive selections. Christmas lunch on North Stradbroke Island (reunited with my family after four years, no thanks to Covid) always starts with oysters, followed by a bucket of prawn ...
Despite the very dry conditions, this feels like a more naturally balanced vintage than 2017, 2018 and 2019. Scroll down for tasting notes and scores for the top-scoring Crozes-Hermitage 2020 wines {"content":"PHA+VGhlIHdpbmVzIGFyZSBqdWljeSBhbmQgY29uY2VudHJhdGVkIHdpdGhvdXQgZmVlbGluZyBoZWF2eS48L3A+CjxwPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9ImFkLWNvbnRhaW5lciBhZC1jb250YWluZXItLW1vYmlsZSI+PGRpdiBpZD0icG9zdC1pbmxpbmUtMSIgY2xhc3M9ImlwYy1hZHZlcnQiPjwvZGl2PjwvZGl2PjwvcD4KPHA+U29tZSBoYXZlIGEgZ3JlZW4gc3RyZWFrIGR ...
France’s 2022 wine harvest is likely to be between 42.6 million and 45.6m hectolitres, up by 13% to 21% on the frost-hit 2021 vintage and more in-line with the country’s five-year average. One hectolitre is equivalent to 100 litres. Yet drought could impact on yields in the coming weeks, adding extra uncertainty in several regions, said the French agriculture ministry’s Agreste statistics unit. Expected vintage quality isn’t covered by the preliminary outlook. It added the 2022 growing season is ...