Wines made from Carmenère grapes of Curico Valley
Discover the best wines made with Carmenère as a single variety or as a blend of Curico Valley.
Carménère is a grape variety of Bordeaux origin. It is the result of a cross between Cabernet Franc and Gros Cabernet. In France, it occupies only about ten hectares, but it is also grown in Chile, Peru, the Andes, California, Italy and Argentina. The leaves of the carmenere are shiny and revolute. Its berries are round and medium-sized. Carménère is susceptible to grey rot, especially in wet autumn. It can also be exposed to the risk of climatic coulure, which is why it is important to grow it on poor soil and in warm areas. Carménère is associated with an average second ripening period. This variety has only one approved clone, 1059. It can be vinified with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. It produces a rich, highly coloured wine, which acquires character when combined with other grape varieties.
Curicó Valley is a wine-producing region in CentralChile, located roughly 115 miles (185km) South of the Chilean capital, Santiago. It is divided into two sub-regions: Teno in the North and Lontue Valley in the south. The Curicó is known for its reliable, good value everyday wines, Particularly the reds made from Cabernet Sauvignon and whites from Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. Curicó's vineyards are planted with more varieties than anywhere else in Chile.