Wines made from Loureiro grapes of Minho

Discover the best wines made with Loureiro as a single variety or as a blend of Minho.

More informations about the variety Loureiro

Most certainly Portuguese. Loureiro is part of the grape varieties of many Spanish and Portuguese appellations, including the famous Vinho Verde. It would be a close relative of the albarino and the sousão.

More informations about the region of Minho

Minho is Portugal's Northernmost wine region. It is known for one wine style above all others: crisp, light, white Vinho Verde, whose DOC zone covers the same territory. The Minho name is used for the area's Vinho Regional designation (similar to the French IGP). The latter's looser production laws allow more diversity in the average winery's portfolio, including red and rosé wines.

What are the typical flavors of the Loureiro grape variety?

News about the grape variety Loureiro

Spanish wine giant CVNE expands into Rías Baixas with La Val purchase

Chief executive Víctor Urrutia said the purchase would boost the company’s prospects of becoming Spain’s ‘most important winery’. Bodegas La Val is based in Salvaterra de Miño, which is located in the Condado do Tea sub-region of the Rías Baixas Denominación de Origen. The winery was founded in 1985, and it was the driving force behind the creation of the Rías Baixas DO three years later. La Val is renowned for its pioneering work in promoting Albariño on a global basis, and it also grows two ot ...

Bodegas Marqués de Vizhoja experiments with coffee to reduce fungal disease

Galicia is the wettest region in all of Spain with average rainfall starting from 800mm in the driest areas all the way up to 2,200mm for those along the Atlantic coast. Given this concern, fungal issues in the vineyards are quite common and viticulture has been adapted accordingly, for example with vines being trained to pergolas or by higher trellising which allows for good air circulation. In addition, the use of antifungal chemical treatments is widespread to contend with issues such as Esca ...

New Decanter Wine Club holiday season gift offer

For the first time, the Decanter Wine Club is allowing non-members to snap up a box of their holiday wines, while stocks last. {"content":"PC9wPgo8cCBzdHlsZT0idGV4dC1hbGlnbjogY2VudGVyOyI+PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtd2VpZ2h0OiA0MDA7Ij5JZiB5b3Uga25vdyBzb21lb25lIHdobyB3b3VsZCBsb3ZlIGEgc2VsZWN0aW9uIG9mIHRvcC1zY29yaW5nIHdpbmVzLCBhcyBzY29yZWQgYnkgRGVjYW50ZXJzIGV4cGVydCBqdWRnaW5nIHBhbmVsLCB0aGVuIG5vdyBpcyB5b3VyIGNoYW5jZSB0byBzcG9pbCB0aGVtLCBpdCYjODIxNztzIHRoZSBnaWZ0IHRoYXQga2VlcHMgb24gZ2l2aW ...

Discover the best wines made with Loureiro of Minho