Wines made from Garanoir grapes - Page 4
Discover the best wines made with Garanoir as a single variety or as a blend .
Intraspecific cross between Gamay and Reichensteiner obtained in 1970 by André Jacquinet at the Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil research station (Switzerland). From this same crossbreed, Gamaret and Mara were also born.
On the 25th March there was a frost in the Southern Rhône. ‘It’s normal to have frosts then – it’s practically still winter,’ says Rodolphe des Pins of Château de Montfaucon. Scroll down to see tasting notes and scores for the top-scoring Lirac & Tavel 2020 wines {"content":"PHA+QnV0IHdoZW4gdGhlIHZpbmVzIGhhdmUgd29rZW4gZWFybHksIGFzIHRoZXkgZGlkIGluIDIwMjAsIGl0IGNhbiBkZWNpbWF0ZSB0aGUgeW91bmcgYnVkcy48L3A+CjxwPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9ImFkLWNvbnRhaW5lciBhZC1jb250YWluZXItLW1vYmlsZ ...
Celebrities from all walks of fame are stepping into the wine world. Sports stars, actors, musicians and TV personalities are all jumping on the wine bandwagon, some owning vineyards and others getting more hands-on in the winemaking itself. This growing trend shows no sign of slowing with recent celebrities to launch their own wines including George Clooney, Gordon Ramsey and Gary Barlow. The Take That star follows in the footsteps of pop singer Kylie Minigue, who launched a successful range of ...
With climate change becoming an increasingly serious topic for the spirits industry to tackle, so too comes a greater level of awareness amongst consumers that brands should be doing more in relation to the environmental footprints they leave behind globally. Every element, from the cultivation of raw materials, to the composition and distribution of finished glass bottles is now under tighter scrutiny. This year’s Earth Day, a celebration of climate awareness, held on 22 April (founded back in ...