Wines made from Tinta Barroca grapes of Portugal - Page 4

Discover the best wines made with Tinta Barroca as a single variety or as a blend of Portugal.

More informations about the variety Tinta Barroca

Most certainly Portuguese, more precisely in the Douro region where it is very present. It can be found in Spain, Portugal, South Africa, ... almost unknown in France, registered in the Official Catalogue of A2 list varieties.

More informations about the wines of Portugal

Portugal has undergone something of a wine revolution over the past two decades, modernizing its winemaking technologies, styles and attitudes. This archetypal Old World country has Long been famous for its fortified wines (Port and Madeira) and its light, tangy Vinho Verde. But it is now attracting much attention for its New wave of Rich, ripe table wines, especially the reds of the Douro Valley. Portugal's place in the wine world is arguably more about its cork production than its wine, but that largely depends on which period of history you choose.

What are the typical flavors of the Tinta Barroca grape variety?

News about the grape variety Tinta Barroca

Platinum: The 97 point wines of DWWA 2022

The largest-ever year for entries, an incredible 18,244 wines were judged at the 2022 Decanter World Wine Awards – with just 163 wines awarded a Platinum medal. ‘Winning a Platinum medal is something really exceptional’ said Decanter World Wine Awards Co-Chair Sarah Jane Evans MW. ‘Platinum is like the stratospheric level’ she commented, ‘so it’s really saying to the winemaker: this is a great wine.’ Making up just 0.87% of the total wines tasted at the 2022 c ...

Grapevines first domesticated 11,000 years ago, says study

In a large-scale genetic analysis of grapevine varieties, scientists across 16 countries identified two separate domestication events that took place simultaneously ‘in Western Asia and the Caucasus’ around 11,000 years ago, says a new study in the Science journal. A map highlighting the key domestication centres, plus Cultivation Groups (CG) 1 and 2 and and their human dispersal routes. Image Credit: Science journal. Many ancient civilisations in Europe and Asia had wine-drinking tr ...

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