Wines made from Dornfelder grapes - Page 8

Discover the best wines made with Dornfelder as a single variety or as a blend .

More informations about the variety Dornfelder

German, intraspecific cross made in 1955 by August Karl Herold (1902-1973) between the helfensteiner and the heroldrebe (more details, click here!). With these same parents he also obtained the hegel. The Dornfelder can be found in Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Canada, United States, ... . Virtually unknown in France, we nevertheless recognize a certain interest in it due to its short phenological cycle and the quality of its wines, both rosé and red.

What are the typical flavors of the Dornfelder grape variety?

News about the grape variety Dornfelder

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