Wines made from Dornfelder grapes of Australia
Discover the best wines made with Dornfelder as a single variety or as a blend of Australia.
German, intraspecific cross made in 1955 by August Karl Herold (1902-1973) between the helfensteiner and the heroldrebe (more details, click here!). With these same parents he also obtained the hegel. The Dornfelder can be found in Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Canada, United States, ... . Virtually unknown in France, we nevertheless recognize a certain interest in it due to its short phenological cycle and the quality of its wines, both rosé and red.
Australia is an extremely important wine producing country, both in terms of quality and the scale of its wine economy. Wine Australia's 2018 annual report describes it as the sixth largest wine producer in the world. That year's production was 1. 29 million litres (341 million US gallons), split 52:48 between red and white.
Producers including Rathfinny, Ridgeview and Bolney embarked upon their quest to turn Sussex into an appellation back in 2015. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has now finally recognised Sussex wine as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). It will enter the register on 5 July, 2022, giving Sussex wine the same legal status as Jersey Royal potatoes, Cornish clotted cream and Stilton cheese. Mark Driver, the former hedge fund manager who set up Rathfinny Wine Estat ...
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Approved by the INV viticultural institute on 1 July, Balcarce is the fourth GI to be named in the province of Buenos Aires. The province was largely abandoned as a winemaking region in the 1930s following a law permitting wine to be made only in the Andean Cuyo region, but is is slowly making a name for itself once again with cool climate vintages. Encompassing coast, prairie and the Tandilia mountains, Balcarce is located 37 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and has until recently been known for p ...