The flavor of oak in wine of Sweden

Discover the of Sweden wines revealing the of oak flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Sweden flavors

Sweden is a country located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Most of its eastern border is formed by the Baltic Sea, on the other side of which are Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. Its western border is shared with Norway, beyond which Lies the Arctic Ocean. This description should leave little doubt as to the general suitability of the Swedish Climate for viticulture.

In the far north of Sweden, the sun does not go down behind the horizon at all in midsummer, creating a single "day" that lasts several weeks. Despite this, and the fact that it is warmer than most other places at its latitude (e. g. Alaska), almost all of Sweden is simply too cold for viticulture.

And yet, despite the obvious climatic challenges, a handful of dedicated and creative entrepreneurs are growing wine grapes and producing Swedish wine. Swedish viticulture is in its infancy and accounts for only a fraction of 1% of the country's total Alcohol production. Vodka and beer are by far the most common beverages produced here, and throughout Scandinavia.

What are the typical grape varieties with flavor d'oak of Sweden?

News on wine flavors

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Discover the best wines with flavor d'oak of Sweden