The Winery Clos Petit Malande of Bordeaux Supérieur of Bordeaux

Winery Clos Petit Malande
No wine is currently referenced in this domain
It is currently not ranked among the best domains of Bordeaux.
It is located in Bordeaux Supérieur in the region of Bordeaux

The Winery Clos Petit Malande is one of the best wineries to follow in Bordeaux Supérieur.. It offers 0 wines for sale in of Bordeaux Supérieur to come and discover on site or to buy online.

Top Winery Clos Petit Malande wines

Looking for the best Winery Clos Petit Malande wines in Bordeaux Supérieur among all the wines in the region? Check out our tops of the best red, white or effervescent Winery Clos Petit Malande wines. Also find some food and wine pairings that may be suitable with the wines from this area. Learn more about the region and the Winery Clos Petit Malande wines with technical and enological descriptions.

Discover other wineries and winemakers neighboring the Winery Clos Petit Malande

Planning a wine route in the of Bordeaux Supérieur? Here are the wineries to visit and the winemakers to meet during your trip in search of wines similar to Winery Clos Petit Malande.

Discover the grape variety: Sauvignon-Rytos

An interspecific cross between Sauvignon Blanc and Bianca obtained in Italy and in 2002 by the University of Udine and the Institute of Applied Genetics. It should not be confused with the sauvignon-kretos. It can be found in Germany, Poland, ... in France it is almost unknown.

News about Winery Clos Petit Malande and wines from the region

Women in wine: Bordeaux

Bordeaux has a history of extraordinary women running vineyards. In Sauternes & Barsac Françoise-Joséphine d’Yquem was imprisoned twice during the French revolution but managed to save both her neck and Château d’Yquem, 1er Grand Cru Classé Supérieur Sauternes. She then dedicated herself to her property, and introduced the practice of ‘tries successives’ or multiple passes through the vineyard during harvest to collect botrytised grapes at maximum maturity, transforming the quality of wines ...

Are Bordeaux and Napa close to ‘tipping point’ on global warming? – Study

Writing in the Oeno One journal, researchers said climate data showed a significant increase in average growing season temperatures in both Napa and Bordeaux, particularly since the 1980s. So far the warmer conditions have generally contributed to better average wine quality, noted the authors, from the University of Bordeaux’s ISVV Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin and UC Davis. Yet, they questioned how long this would continue. The authors said: ‘In Napa and Bordeaux, viticulture has ...

Domaines Henri Martin – the spirit of family and terroir

The story of Domaines Henri Martin is that of a family business founded on a shared commitment, across generations, to produce wines with character, true to the quality of the exceptional vineyards and the history of the iconic estates they hail from. Descending from a family rooted in the Médoc for more than 300 years, Henri Martin was well aware of the potential of some of the region’s finest parcels. Motivated by this belief and by a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, he accomplished something q ...

The word of the wine: Cooked wine

In Provence, wine made from must cooked and reduced over a wood fire, traditionally consumed at Christmas time with the thirteen desserts.