Wines made from Johanniter grapes - Page 3
Discover the best wines made with Johanniter as a single variety or as a blend .
An interspecific cross between Riesling and FR 589-54 (Seyve-Villard 12481 x (pinot gris or rülander x chasselas or gutedel)) obtained in Germany in 1968 by Johannes Zimmermann. It has the particularity of having only one gene for resistance to mildew and powdery mildew. This variety can be found in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, etc. In France, it is practically unknown. Note that the "Johanniter" grape variety is a protected trademark.
Think of Colombia, think of balmy evenings dancing to salsa, fuelled by shots of aguardiente and arepas. But there’s plenty more than the anise-based spirit and cornmeal cakes to sample in the South American country. Chefs have stepped up their game to put gastronomy on the map, with sommeliers and bartenders following suit. Not just appreciating local ingredients and distilling spirits, they also seek out wines from around the world to accompany fine-dining experiences. Their endeavours have pa ...
Onwards, upwards. The roads get narrower, the corners get tighter. I step out of the car when I finally reach the winery and the air is so much fresher here. I go to take a sip from my water bottle and a gust of wind makes it whistle. I stand with Thomas Jullien and we look over the vineyards. It’s not yet spring, and the vines look little more than sticks. ‘It’s a lunar landscape at the moment,’ he says, as a friend’s flock of 300 sheep has just passed through to graze on every scrap of green b ...
The arrival of Covid and the ensuing lockdown restrictions had serious repercussions in the hospitality sector and severely disrupted supply chains, particularly in the drinks sector. Champagne, one of the world’s most recognisable and exported wines, was severely hit by travelling restrictions – which initially impacted the luxury sector Champagne dominates – and the closing of on-trade outlets. The 2020 slump As a result, in 2020, Champagne sales plummeted; a 10% decrease year-on-year in March ...