The flavor of cheesy in wine of Missouri

Discover the of Missouri wines revealing the of cheesy flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Missouri flavors

Missouri is a U. S. state in the North-central United States, bordered by Kansas to the west and Illinois to the east. The state covers 69,700 square miles (180,500 square km) and Lies between the northern latitudes of 36 and 40 degrees.

This latitude places it in parallel with the major wine regions of California. Wineries are evenly distributed throughout the state, but the highest concentrations are in the Augusta AVA, about 70 km east of St. Louis. Missouri has five AVAs, from tiny Augusta (the first U.

S. AVA) to the colossal 1,425,000 ha Ozark Mountain AVA, introduced in 2009. The latter encompasses the entire Ozark Highlands AVA, an area of roughly the same Size, but with much more distinct and homogeneous topography and soil types. The Hermann AVA covers 20,720 ha 95 km west of St.

News on wine flavors

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