The flavor of yellow apple in wine of Kentucky

Discover the of Kentucky wines revealing the of yellow apple flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Kentucky flavors

England/kent">Kentucky is a state in the east Central United States with a Long history of Alcohol production. It is one of the top ten wine-producing states in the country, producing some 7. 6 million liters annually, but it is far better known for its bourbon production. In fact, about 95 percent of the bourbon produced in the world is made in Kentucky.

The state covers 105,000 square miles between the western slopes of the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River, and is bordered by Tennessee to the South and Indiana and Ohio to the North. Kent's continental Climate (technically "humid subtropical" on the Koppen scale) is characterized by very hot summers and cold winters with frequent snowfall. The Ohio River, which forms the northern border of Kentucky, is effectively the dividing line between the subtropical and continental climates of the eastern states. Bourbon production dates back to the 18th century, when early settlers from Scotland, Ireland and England used the corn that grew in the state to make whiskey.

It is believed that the spirit was named Bourbon after the state's eponymous county, itself named after the French royal family of the time.

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