The flavor of ground coffee in wine of Indiana

Discover the of Indiana wines revealing the of ground coffee flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Indiana flavors

Indiana is a state in the American Midwest, located between Michigan to the North and Kentucky to the South. The state covers 36,500 square miles (95,000 km²) of fertile plains and shallow valleys, well suited to fruit and grain production. Vineyards are largely planted to French-American Hybrid varieties, with a growing interest in those less susceptible to the challenges of a hot, humid Climate. Chambourcin, Marechal Foch, Catawba and Vidal Blanc are common here.

The state now has about 30 wineries, up from fewer than 10 when the Indiana Wine Grape Council was formed in 1989. This increase has been accompanied by a tripling of Indiana's total vineyard acreage to more than 500 acres (200 ha). In 1987, the state was awarded its first American Viticultural Area (AVA) - the colossal Ohio River Valley, which it shares with Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia. It has since been joined by the smaller Indiana Uplands AVA, which was granted in 2013, becoming the first AVA located entirely within the state.

News on wine flavors

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