The flavor of chalk in wine of North

Discover the of North wines revealing the of chalk flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of North flavors

Valle de Guadalupe is the key wine region in the state of Baja California, Mexico. Baja California, in turn, is responsible for 90 percent national wine production. At the heart of the valley is Guadalupe Village, which Lies 14 miles (20km) North of Ensenada city. The valley runs northeast to southwest on either side of Guadalupe, stretching from the Pacific coast inland for roughly 20 miles (32 km).

Over that distance the land ascends dramatically from the cliffs above Todos Santos Bay to several thousand feet above sea level. The Valle de Guadalupe Vineyards are planted at altitudes between 1000ft and 1250ft (305m–380m), mostly on flat plains surrounded by hills. The area has a MediterraneanClimate, thanks to the proximity of the Pacific Ocean immediately to the west and the Gulf of California (the Sea of Cortez) to the east. As there were no vitis vinifera Grape varieties in the Americas Prior to the arrival of European explorers, all present day commercial grapevines are of European origin.

Some of these are direct descendants of the original plants imported by the Jesuits for the first vineyards back in the 16th Century, and some have arrived more recently, from Europe or from California. Almost all modern Mexican wine is made from international varieties of French, Spanish and Italian descent. Red wines from the Valle de Guadalupe are made mostly from Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Zinfandel, while white wines are based largely on Colombard, Chenin Blanc, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc and the ubiquitous Chardonnay. Some vineyard workers and winemakers have now returned to wineries in the region from north of the border, bringing back skills acquired in the Napa and Sonoma valleys.

News on wine flavors

Reduced planting density initiative approved in Champagne

The proposal reduces the mandatory density of planting from 8,000 vines per hectare to approximately 6,000. This would be accomplished by allowing 2.2 metres between rows, essentially removing every other row. The stated purposes include reducing the cost of maintaining the vineyards and therefore the time necessary to maintain them. This has been put forward as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and proponents estimate that such emissions would be 20% lower under the measure, leading som ...

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Hitting the right note

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