The flavor of rooibos in wine of Rhode Island

Discover the of Rhode Island wines revealing the of rooibos flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Rhode Island flavors

Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States, with an area of 3,140 square miles in the far Northeast of the country. Cool Climate vinifera and Hybrid grapes are grown in this sea-influenced state, including Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling and Vidal. Rhode Island has only one AVA (not surprising, given that nearly 30 AVAs are larger than the entire state) - the fairly general southeastern NewEngland region, which it shares with Massachusetts and Connecticut. There are approximately 11 wineries located throughout the state.

Rhode Island is located between Connecticut and Massachusetts on the north shore of Long Island Sound. Despite its name, the state is far from an island; it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on only one side of its slightly irregular rectangular shape. The origins of the name go back to the time of the first migrants and the merger of the two colonies called Providence Plantations and Rhode Island. At that time, the name referred only to the island now called Aquidneck, on which Newport is located.

News on wine flavors

Governments, companies and consumers boycott Russian-made products

Leading UK wine and spirits supplier Enotria&Coe said it was no longer ‘actively sourcing’ Russian products, and was planning to donate all profits from sales of current Russian stock to support victims of the war. In an email to customers, managing directors Ants Rixon and Sam Thackeray provided information about a number of Russian vodka brands stocked by the company. These include Stolichnaya – made in Latvia and owned by Russian billionaire and Putin critic Yuri Shefler – and Russian Sta ...

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European Parliament rejects health warnings on wine labels

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in Strasbourg have backed amendments to a range of recommendations put forward by the Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA), which included a proposal for health warnings on wine and drinks labels.  BECA’s report, ‘Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer’, included several measures designed to reduce harmful alcohol use by at least 10% by 2025.   Signed by French oncologist and politician Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, it is part of ...