The flavor of red plum in wine of Catalogne

Discover the of Catalogne wines revealing the of red plum flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Catalogne flavors

Catalonia (Catalunya in Catalan and Cataluña in Spanish) is an autonomous community in the Northeast of Spain. It extends from the historic county (comarca) of Montsia in the South to the border with France in the north. The Mediterranean Sea forms its eastern border and offers 580 km of coastline. The Catalunya D.

O. C. was the first regional D. O.

C. in Spain. Created in 1999, it covers all the scattered vineyards that were not covered by one of the other 11 DOs in the region. The capital of Catalonia is the bustling Barcelona, Spain's second largest city and one of the largest ports on the Mediterranean.

What are the typical grape varieties with flavor de red plum of Catalogne?

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