Top 100 natural sweet wines of England

Discover the top 100 best natural sweet wines of England as well as the best winemakers in the region. Explore the varietals of the natural sweet wines that are popular of England and the best vintages to taste in this region.

Discovering the wine region of England

England, although more famous for gin and beer, has been producing wine since Roman Imperial times (100 – 400 AD). Historically the country has not been known for the quality of its winemaking, inhibited by its northerly latitude and resulting cool Climate. However the last decade or so has seen considerable progress and expansion, and increases in planting of noble Grape varieties. Significant chaptilzation to off-set the high Acidity of under-ripe grapes was once common practice but since the 1970s and particularly since the turn of the millennium natural sugar levels have increased in the Vineyard and wines have increased in quality and reputation.

The modern commercial English wine industry is often attributed to small experimental vineyards planted in the 1950s and 60s. The lack of sunshine and colder temperatures inhibit ripening and fruit set has previously led to high acid levels and low yields. The climate is moderated by the Gulf Stream, a major Atlantic Ocean current that carries Warm water from the Caribbean to the Southern coasts of England and Wales. The Gulf Stream also helps moderate the climate of Bordeaux.

These conditions have led to Sparkling wines becoming the most prominent and commercially successful of English wines, some of which have been rated alongside those from better-known wine-producing countries such as France, Australia and New Zealand. The Champagne varieties Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier are particularly successful alongside sparkling wines carbonated through bottle fermentation in the méthode traditionnelle. Geology also plays a key role in this emphasis. Many vineyards on chalk downlands in the southernmost counties of England lie on the same strata that dip under channel and resurface in Champagne.

News from the vineyard of England

Sales of English and Welsh wine soared in 2021

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