The flavor of wood varnish in wine of Pennsylvania

Discover the of Pennsylvania wines revealing the of wood varnish flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Pennsylvania flavors

Pennsylvania is a state in the northeastern United States. It covers 119,000 km² (46,000 square miles) between Lake Erie and the Atlantic coast. Pennsylvania wines are produced from a variety of native Grape varieties such as Delaware, French-American hybrids such as Chambourcin and Seyval Blanc, and well-known vinifera varieties including Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot. With about 14,000 acres (5665ha) of vineyards, Pennsylvania is one of the most prolific wine-growing states in the country, along with New York, Washington and Oregon (none of these states match California's production, which accounts for about 90 percent of U.

S. wine production). ) Much of Pennsylvania's vineyards produce raisins and table grapes. As a result, the state ranks only seventh in terms of wine production.

However, the wine industry is growing rapidly; there were fewer than 30 wineries in 1980.

News on wine flavors

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