The flavor of spiced pear in wine of Champagne

Discover the of Champagne wines revealing the of spiced pear flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Champagne flavors

Champagne is the name of the world's most famous Sparkling wine, the appellation under which it is sold and the French wine region from which it comes. Although it has been used to refer to sparkling wines around the world - a point of controversy and legal wrangling in recent decades - Champagne is a legally controlled and restricted name. See the labels of Champagne wines. The fame and success of Champagne is, of course, the product of many Complex factors.

Yet there are three main reasons we can be reasonably certain of. First, the large bubbles, which distinguish it from less "exciting" wines. Second, the high prices that champagne commands, which give it a sense of exclusivity and uniqueness. Third, two centuries of clever marketing to a willing and very receptive consumer base.

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