The flavor of sourdough in wine of Tunisia

Discover the of Tunisia wines revealing the of sourdough flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Tunisia flavors

Tunisia is a North African country with a Long (if not consistent) history of wine production. Despite being a predominantly Muslim country, the Tunisian wine industry produces over 40 million litres of wine per year. However, it has suffered over the past decade due to the collapse of North African tourism. Tourists are also responsible for about 50% of consumption.

In response to this situation, the European Union has funded several recent initiatives to help wine farms. Vineyards cover about 14,000 hectares (34,500 acres) of the country. About 80 percent are in the Cap Bon region and nearly two-thirds are controlled by the cooperative group Les Vignerons de Carthage. It was created in response to the difficulties caused by the Phylloxera epidemic of 1936 to 1947.

There are seven appellations of controlled origin. The strong French involvement in Tunisian viticulture largely dictates the main Grape varieties planted. Those associated with the Southern regions of France/provence">Provence and Languedoc are the most used. The classic Terroir of southern France has similarities with that of northern Tunisia.

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Discover the best wines with flavor de sourdough of Tunisia