The flavor of passion fruit in wine of Minnesota
Discover the of Minnesota wines revealing the of passion fruit flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).
Minnesota is a state located in the NorthCentral United States, bordered by Canada to the north and Iowa to the South. The state's Harsh continental Climate makes viticulture difficult. However, research at the University of Minnesota on cold-hardy HybridGrape varieties has opened up opportunities for Minnesota wine producers.
The state covers 225,000 square miles between latitudes 43°N and 49°N, which puts it roughly on par with the United States.
This puts it about the same Size as the wine regions of France. Unfortunately, Minnesota's inland location results in much more extreme temperatures in both summer and winter, posing Serious risks to all but the most cold-hardy grape varieties. Most of the state's wine regions are in areas where there is a large Body of water nearby to moderate the temperatures. Fortunately, there are plenty of lakes here: Minnesota is known as the "land of 10,000 lakes.
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On the highest volcano in Europe, the magic number is 142: the contrade of Etna represented on a colourful new map just released by the Consorzio Tutela Vini Etna DOC. In the age of viticultural cartography, the Sicilian district has embraced ‘zoning’ to enhance every single nuance of its territory, mostly cultivated with Nerello Mascalese and Carricante. ‘This map establishes the full viticultural maturity of our district and underlines the attitude of its winemakers to team up,’ said Francesco ...
That represents a 69% increase on the 5.5 million bottles sold in 2019, highlighting the exponential growth the industry has enjoyed in recent years. Brits account for 96% of the sales, but demand is increasing in export markets too. English and Welsh wines have proved particularly popular in Scandinavia, with exports to Norway rising by 85% year-on-year in 2021. In the UK, more than half of the sales are direct-to-consumer, either via the cellar door or a winery’s website. However, sales in sup ...