The flavor of oregano in wine of Alaska

Discover the of Alaska wines revealing the of oregano flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Alaska flavors

Alaska is the largest state in the United States, located Northwest of Canada on a peninsula that extends into Russia. The state's arctic Climate is far too cold for reliable viticulture, and most Alaskan wines are made from fruits such as rhubarb and salmon berries, honey in the form of mead, or GrapeJuice imported from other parts of the world. Although it is the largest state in the United States, with an area of nearly 665,000 square miles (1,720,000 km²), Alaska has very few wineries and is best known as a beer and vodka producer. Alaska Lies between latitudes 55°N and 70°N, from the edge of the Pacific Ocean in the South to the Arctic Sea, which runs along Alaska's northern coast.

These latitudes - at a similar distance from the equator as the Scandinavian countries of Norway and Sweden - are not associated with viticulture. Alaska is no exception, as the only grapes successfully grown there are in greenhouses. Alaska's climate ranges from oceanic along the southern coast and the southern Panhandle to continental in the heavily forested interior of the state and arctic on the north coast. Since Terroir is not a consideration in Alaska, wineries are free to locate where there is a market for their products, and most wine production takes place in the south, around the city of Anchorage and on Kodiak Island.

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