The flavor of maraschino cherry in wine of Aragon

Discover the of Aragon wines revealing the of maraschino cherry flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Aragon flavors

Aragon is one of Spain's 17 autonomous communities. Located in the North of the country, it stretches from the imposing Pyrenees mountains in the South to the vast Central Iberian plateau. To the east of Aragon Lies Catalonia, while La Rioja, Castilla y Leon and Navarra are its neighbours to the west. Aragon encompasses the eastward flowing Ebro River and its vast valley, the river being one of the largest and most important in Spain.

Aragon comprises four DO regions, with Somontano occupying the north and three smaller regions, Campo de Borja, Carinena and Calatayud, located further south in the river valley. It is an incredibly diverse region, bordered by mountains at either end, the landscape varies from snow-capped mountains in the north to arid plains in the south, with Green hills in between. The historic city of Zaragoza is the capital of the autonomous community and accounts for about half of its population, leaving the rest of the region sparsely populated and largely wild. Aragon, preceded by the Powerful medieval kingdom of Aragon, is said to have been named after the river Aragon, which runs through the region.

News on wine flavors

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