Wines made from Vignoles grapes of New Jersey
Discover the best wines made with Vignoles as a single variety or as a blend of New Jersey.
An interspecific cross obtained by Jean-François Ravat around 1930. Some people give it as parents the 6905 Seibel - or subéreux - and the pinot, to be confirmed however. It can still be found in North America and England, but is practically unknown in France.
New Jersey is one of the smallest states in the United States, located on the Atlantic coast between New York to the North and Pennsylvania to the west. With its Rich agricultural history, the Garden State is a viable location for wineries and vineyards in an idyllic setting. The temperature, strongly moderated by the Atlantic Ocean, is suitable for Hybrid and vinifera grapes. Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc and Chambourcin are among the most important varieties planted in New Jersey.
Direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipments dropped by 10.3% in volume and by 1.6% in value in the US in 2022, according to the latest report from Sovos ShipCompliant and Wines Vines Analytics. It’s the first drop in drinkers buying wines direct from US wineries in the report’s 13-year history. Yet DtC still accounted for around 12% of the total retail market (off-premise) for domestic wines, level with 2021. ‘After the all-time high of $4.2bn in value that the DtC shipping channel experienced ...
Out of 12 different glass shapes, including specialised Champagne glasses and the regular flute, Riedel’s Veloce Riesling glass was voted as the most preferred glass by English producers from three regions for their sparkling wines, announced the Austrian glassware manufacturer. In search of the best English sparkling glass Last week, 25 wine producers from three of the UK’s primary sparkling wine-producing regions were invited to attend three Riedel workshops for comparative tastings of 12 diff ...
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