Wines made from Madeleine angevine grapes of Ahr

Discover the best wines made with Madeleine angevine as a single variety or as a blend of Ahr.

More informations about the variety Madeleine angevine

Resulting from a sowing carried out in 1857 in Angers (Maine and Loire Valley) by Jean-Pierre Vibert and from 1863 marketed by the Moreau-Robert company. According to genetic analyses, this variety is the result of a cross between the royal madeleine and the blanc d'ambre. It has been used very often by hybridizers, the Csaba pearl being a good example. This variety is found in the United States (Washington), Germany and England, where it is vinified and its wine appreciated. - Synonymy: Angevine (for all the synonyms of the varieties, click here!).

More informations about the region of Ahr

Ahr is one of Germany’s least-known and Northernmost wine regions, known for its Pinot Noir reds. It Lies immediately north of the Mosel, and follows the Ahr River in the Final stages of its journey towards its confluence with the Rhein. One might expect a wine region this far north (50°N) to specialize in white wines – like almost every other cool-Climate wine region. After all, neighboring Mosel and Mittelrhein both clearly favor white wines (around 85 percent).

What are the typical flavors of the Madeleine angevine grape variety?

News about the grape variety Madeleine angevine

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