Wines made from Dunkelfelder grapes of Rheinhessen

Discover the best wines made with Dunkelfelder as a single variety or as a blend of Rheinhessen.

More informations about the variety Dunkelfelder

Intraspecific crossing between the madeleine angevine and the dyer of Cher obtained in 1928 by Gustav Adolf (1847/1912) of the Research Institute in Geinsenheim (Germany). We can meet it certainly in Germany but also in Belgium, in Switzerland, in England, in the United States, in Canada... almost unknown in France. It should not be confused with the dornfelder, also of German origin.

More informations about the region of Rheinhessen

Rheinhessen is Germany's largest region for producing the quality wines of the Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete (QbA) and Prädikatswein designations, with roughly 26,500 hectares (65,000 acres) of Vineyard">Vineyards as of 2014. Many of its most significant viticultural areas are favorably influenced by the Rhine river, which runs aLong its North and eastern borders. The Rhine, along with the Nahe river to the west and the Haardt mountains to its South, form a natural border. Rheinhessen covers an area south of Rheingau, north of Pfalz and east of Nahe, and is located within the Rhineland-Palatinate federal state.

What are the typical flavors of the Dunkelfelder grape variety?

News about the grape variety Dunkelfelder

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Discover the best wines made with Dunkelfelder of Rheinhessen