The flavor of yogurt in wine of Savoie

Discover the of Savoie wines revealing the of yogurt flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Savoie flavors

Savoie is a wine region in eastern France, in the mountainous areas just South of Lake Geneva and on the border with Switzerland. The location and geography of the region has very much defined its Character, which is fragmented, hilly and slightly Swiss. This is evident in the fresh, crisp white wines produced here, as well as in the labels of the region's wines. Many bear a white cross on a red background - the flag of Switzerland and Savoy.

About three quarters of the region's wines are white. This is mainly because most of the red Grapes would have difficulty maturing properly in the cooler Climate of Savoy. Jacquère is the most widely planted white grape, due to its high yield. Altesse, traditionally known here as Roussette, is used to produce some of the finest wines in Savoie, including its own appellations of Roussette de Savoie and Roussette de Bugey.

News on wine flavors

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