The flavor of yellow plum in wine of Provence

Discover the of Provence wines revealing the of yellow plum flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Provence flavors

Provence is a wine region in the far southeast of France, best known for the quality (and quantity) of its rosé wines and for its Warm, mild Climate. The modernization that is taking place in many of the traditional wine regions of southern France has not yet taken place to the same extent in Provence, but there are Clear signs of change. The region's Grape varieties, in particular, have come under scrutiny in recent decades. Traditional varieties such as Carignan, Barbaroux (Barbarossa from Sardinia) and Calitor are being replaced by more commercially viable varieties such as Grenache, Syrah and even Cabernet Sauvignon.

The term "Varietal improvers" is gaining ground in Provence, as it is in the neighbouring Languedoc-Roussillon. The most successful local varieties, Mourvèdre, Tibouren and Vermentino (known locally as Rolle), have remained in favor, proving their value in Provence wines, in red, rosé and white respectively. The Vineyards of Provence cover an area of France's southeastern coastline that measures about 200 kilometers from east to west. In this definitely Mediterranean climate - no Provencal vineyard is more than 55 km from the Mediterranean - the vines enjoy about 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, as well as an average annual temperature of 14.


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