The flavor of tamarind in wine of Dél-Pannónia

Discover the of Dél-Pannónia wines revealing the of tamarind flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Dél-Pannónia flavors

Hungary/eszak-dunantul/pannonhalma">Pannonhalma is a wine region in north-western Hungary. It constitutes the eastern corner of Transdanubia, the traditional region of Hungary which Lies across the Danube (trans danubia) from the Hungarian capital Budapest. As this corner of Hungary focuses mainly on red wine production, Pannonhalma's vineyards are planted mostly with the Bordeaux wine grapes Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, as well as Burgundy's Pinot Noir. Pannonhalma is situated just south-east of Gyor, the regional capital of Gyor-Moson-Sopron county (of which Sopron makes up the western third), and the western Transdanubia region.

Although Pannonhalma is a Long way from Hungary's most famous wine regions (Tokaj for whites and Villany for reds) it produces wines of quality, many of which are exported to other European countries and the United States. In wine terms Pannonhalma's name is not as internationally recognized as Hungary's other wine regions (such as Tokaj or Villany). However the district has considerable cultural and historical significance. When Otto von Habsburg, the last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary died in July 2011, Pannonhalma Archabbey was chosen as the burial place for the prince's heart.

(His Body was entombed at the Imperial Crypt in Vienna. ) The abbey Complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, crowns the Mount of Saint Martin that overlooks Pannonhalma town.

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