The flavor of honeydew melon in wine of California

Discover the of California wines revealing the of honeydew melon flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of California flavors

California is the largest and most important wine region in the United States. It represents the southern two-thirds (850 miles or 1,370 kilometers) of the country's west coast. (Oregon and Washington make up the rest. ) The state also spans nearly 10 degrees of latitude.

With its mountains, valleys, plains and plateaus, California's topography is as Complex as its Climate, offering winemakers a bewildering array of terroirs. California wines have only gained worldwide recognition in recent decades (especially after the 1976 Paris ruling). However, the state's wine history goes back more than 200 years. European vines were first planted in the 18th century, when settlers and missionaries moved up and down the West Coast.

News on wine flavors

DO Terra Alta makes orange wine official

In the last board meeting of 2021 for the regulatory council of DO Terra Alta, in Catalunya, Spain, a long list of changes was approved. The most prominent was the making of a very strict certification system for wines that are 100% Garnatxa Blanca given that it’s their flagship grape variety. But perhaps the most interesting item is a bit further down the list that allows certification for a type of wines that in Catalan are called “vins brisats”. The name refers to white wine ...

Iconic Italian wineries partner on wine in space project

The project was devised by FIS president Franco Maria Ricci and officially unveiled last week in Rome at the Foundation’s latest annual International Wine Culture Forum. ‘About four months ago I thought we should do some proper experiments to understand what happens to wine and vines in space. Eventually, I decided that this year’s FIS Forum had to be dedicated entirely to this subject,’ Ricci told Decanter. ‘My idea would be to understand if the vine can live and survive in space (and eve ...

Hermitage 2020: report and top-scoring wines

This is a remarkably classic vintage for Hermitage given the hot, dry conditions. The reds have impressive tannic weight and texture, balanced acidity and a good sense of freshness. Scroll down for tasting notes and scores for the top-scoring Hermitage 2020 wines {"content":"PHA+VGhlIHdoaXRlcyBhcmUgYSBmbG9yYWwsIG1pbmVyYWwgZXhwcmVzc2lvbiBvZiBIZXJtaXRhZ2UsIHdpdGggbGVzcyBvZiB0aGUgcmljaG5lc3MgYW5kIG9wdWxlbmNlIG9mIHJlY2VudCB2aW50YWdlcy48L3A+CjxwPiYjODIxNjtJdOKAmXMgbGlrZSB0aGUgdmluZXMgY ...