The flavor of hay in wine of Meknès

Discover the of Meknès wines revealing the of hay flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Meknès flavors

Morocco, located in Northwestern North Africa, is an ancient kingdom whose history is as diverse as its geography. Influenced over the centuries by Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs and various modern European powers, it remains a bridge between Europe and the African continent. The Atlas Mountains, which run through the country, are all that separate the vast Sahara Desert from the cool expanses of the Atlantic. Similarly, the 16 km Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Morocco from Spain, is all that separates Islamic North Africa from Christian Southern Europe.

It was almost inevitable that a former colony of Rome and France would produce wine at some point in its history. Although the earliest evidence of Moroccan viticulture predates the Romans, it is likely that they were the first to produce wine on some scale. After the fall of Rome, Morocco experienced centuries of Islamic rule, which naturally slowed its production of Alcohol, including wine. But interest was revived when the French increased their influence from the 1830s onwards.

In the early 20th century, Europe was sinking into world war, and Morocco also became a target for Britain and Germany. The French prevailed and established a protectorate in 1912 under the terms of the Treaty of Fez. Spain was also granted areas of interest in the north and south of the country. Under French influence, Morocco began to make a significant contribution to the world wine industry.

News on wine flavors

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