The flavor of black licorice in wine of Terras Madeirenses

Discover the of Terras Madeirenses wines revealing the of black licorice flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Terras Madeirenses flavors

Madeira is a Portuguese-owned archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, 600 miles (970km) southwest of Lisbon and 450 miles due west of the North African coast. It gives its name to one of the world's great fortified wines. Both the wine and the island hold unique places in the history of wine. All fortified wine from the island is now produced under the Madeira DOC, while the table wines are sold under the VR (Vinho Regional) title Terras Madeirenses.

The island of Madeira was discovered in 1419, by Portuguese mariners exploring the west coast of Africa (they also visited the Canary Islands). They encountered Dense laurisilva forests – the reason for the name Ilha da Madeira "the island of wood" – much of which were cleared to make way for sugar plantations and vineyards (the remaining forests are now a World Heritage Site). For almost two centuries, the wines made here remained relatively unknown, and were of little economic significance. Things changed dramatically in the mid-17th Century however, when the island became a key supply station for ships en route to India and the Portuguese colonies in Brazil.

During this time demand for Madeira's wines boomed. The early Madeira wines were produced in the image of those from the Portuguese mainland, and lacked the Structure and stability required to survive Long sea voyages. Over time, it was discovered that an addition of high-proof spirit solved this problem, and by the middle of the 18th Century such fortification had become the norm. A second discovery – that this New style of fortified Madeira acquired Complex, desirable flavors on long, hot voyages – led to the Madeira wine style that exists today.

News on wine flavors

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