Top 100 white wines of Figari

Discover the top 100 best white wines of Figari of Figari as well as the best winemakers in the region. Explore the varietals of the white wines that are popular of Figari and the best vintages to taste in this region.

Discovering the wine region of Figari

The Figari Vin de Corse is produced under the appellation Vin de Corse de Corse, more precisely in the villages of the southern tip of the island, between the communes of Monacia d'Aullene and Sartene. The Generic appellation Vin de Corse is divided into several sub-regions, corresponding to five major wine-producing areas: Porto-Vecchio, Sartene, Calvi, Cap Corse and Figari itself. The vineyards of Figari are located in the plains between the high peak of Punta d'Ovace in the west and the low hills above Figari. This is where the topography of the island is most relaxed.

It is in the lowlands between Figari and Porto-Vecchio (and the fertile coastal plains further North) that the majority of Corsican agriculture is found. Corsican wine Figari wines are red, white and rosé, with rosé accounting for about half of the total production. Reds account for most of the rest, but a small amount of white wine is also produced. The main Grape varieties used for reds and roses are Grenache, Nielluccio and Sciaccarello, plus the traditional Corsican varieties Aleatico, Barbarossa, CarcajoloNero and Minustello (Graciano), as well as Mourvedre, Cinsaut and Carignan from southern France.

News from the vineyard of Figari

Andrew Jefford: ‘Arresting and generous, but without vulgarity or excess’

Layers of colour in the sky before me: indigo, peach, salmon. In the rear-view mirror, the gold was catching fire. As I drove down through the lonely, Mistral-chilled vines of Babeau-Bouldoux towards nearby St-Chinian, I was thinking about what Christine Deleuze of Clos Bagatelle had just said. ‘When you came to visit 10 years ago,’ she reminded me, ‘you said we needed to wait another decade for a market breakthrough. Today you’ve said we need to wait another decade or two. So when, exactly, wil ...

EU grants member states the right to use resistant hybrid varieties in appellation wines

Following a recent modification of EU rules, member states are now allowed to employ resistant varieties in the production of wines with protected denominations of origin (PDO). The decision, published last week in the Official Journal of the European Union, is part of a wider revision of previous regulations that established common quality schemes, organisation of the market, definitions, descriptions, presentations, and labelling of European agricultural products and foodstuffs. Before the ann ...

Behind LVMH’s Himalayan wine project: the villages of Ao Yun

It’s no easy task to establish a super-premium wine in an entirely new region, particularly when inviting potential retail partners or distributors to the vineyard involves journeying to a distant corner of the Himalayas in the outer reaches of the Yunnan province, southwestern China. For my journey, after four flights from Bordeaux to Shanghai, Chengdu then Shangri-La, it was a four-hour drive up through stunning mountain passes to the foothills (here, that means 2,200m above sea level) of the ...