Top 100 other wines of Bordeaux Moelleux

Discover the top 100 best other wines of Bordeaux Moelleux of Bordeaux Moelleux as well as the best winemakers in the region. Explore the varietals of the other wines that are popular of Bordeaux Moelleux and the best vintages to taste in this region.

Discovering the wine region of Bordeaux Moelleux

A legendary wine, the great Sweet or syrupy white wines of Bordeaux are known throughout the world. It is in this category that we find the famous Sauternes and the famous Château d'Yquem considered as one of the best white wines in the world. Why such a reputation? It is partly due to the development of a microscopic fungus, Botrytis cinerea, which causes, when conditions are favourable, the famous noble rot. But in this region, it is not enough for the Grapes to be ripe to be harvested.

Over-ripening and the development of botrytis cinerea are sought after. This fungus attacks both the interior and the skin of the grape, which wrinkles and takes on a brownish-purple colour. This leads to a concentration of sugars, an evaporation of water, as well as numerous modifications that will transform the grape Juice into a real "liqueur" whose richness can exceed 400 g of sugar per litre. However, the Sauternes region does not have a monopoly on botrytis cinerea, which is also found in the regions: Dordogne, Loire Valley, the sweet wines of Alsace, etc.