The flavor of rubber in wine of Louisiana

Discover the of Louisiana wines revealing the of rubber flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Louisiana flavors

Louisiana is a state in the southern United States located on the Gulf Coast. It is bordered by Texas to the west and Mississippi to the east. Given Louisiana's hot, humid Climate and swampy, waterlogged soils, it is perhaps not surprising that it has not developed a major wine industry. Prohibition in 1920 and poor growing conditions in Louisiana led most winemakers to abandon the idea of making wine.

Since the repeal of Alcohol prohibition in 1933, restrictive local laws surrounding wine making have left only a handful of producers in the state. Some wines are made from grapes imported from other parts of the country, or from other fruits. Otherwise, varieties grown here include Muscadine, Norton and Blanc du Bois. The state covers 135,000 km² (52,000 square miles) of land.

News on wine flavors

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