The flavor of pine nut in wine of Iles Canaries

Discover the of Iles Canaries wines revealing the of pine nut flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Iles Canaries flavors

The archipelago of the Canary Islands (or Las Canarias) is an autonomous community of Spain located in the North Atlantic Ocean, 110 km from the west coast of Morocco. The wine trade there is far from famous - few local wines come out of the Canary Islands - but there is a Long and unique wine tradition in the region. The spectacularly high Canary Islands are located at a latitude of about 28°N, making it the most tropical wine region in Europe. It was thanks to this position, once traversed by naval trade routes, that the local wine industry flourished, shortly after the islands came under Spanish control in the early 15th century.

The region's famous Malmsey Sweet wine, made from the MalvasiaGrape, was extremely popular with the English, Dutch and Germans, but its popularity did not last. Today, very little local wine is exported, due to strong local demand and a thriving tourist industry. Ten areas were officially granted DO status in the 1990s and early 2000s. The Canary Islands are perhaps best known for their otherworldly landscapes and Warm temperatures that attract millions of tourists each year.

News on wine flavors

Rethinking the wine bottle for the future

There’s been a focus on making wine production less energy intensive as well as environmentally friendly in order to address climate change. The efforts continue but, as is the case for electric cars where it’s the battery technology that needs innovating, it’s in wine bottles where we’re seeing rapid change. It comes in a two-pronged attack to reduce energy use in manufacturing and then an even bigger emphasis on reducing bottle weight for shipping to reduce fuel usage and thus CO2 production. ...

Andrew Jefford: ‘I urge every reader to enjoy wine thoughtfully’

I first contributed to Decanter back in November 1988; the hundreds of columns and articles I’ve written since constitute a journey of discovery. I squirm, though, if I’m described as a ‘wine expert’. Whatever wine knowledge we acquire quickly cools, congeals and crusts over, like custard or gravy, as the years pass. The wine world expands at a clip. Every vintage rewrites history. It’s the chance to share discoveries – not just about wines, but about people, places and the act of drinking itsel ...

A new level of identity for Canary Island wines

“Origen 1989” by Bodega el Lomo is a wine made from the certified parcel of, “Los Laureles”, a 12ha vineyard at 600m of altitude that holds centenary bush vines. It’s the first wine certified under this new system, having just arrived to market this month with others to come in the near future. While the DO Islas Canarias covers the entire territory of these eight Spanish islands off the western coast of Africa, there are 10 other DOs that govern the wines of certai ...