The flavor of huckleberry in wine of Oregon

Discover the of Oregon wines revealing the of huckleberry flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Oregon flavors

Oregon, located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, is one of the youngest and most promising wine regions in the world. The state put itself on the international wine map in the late 1960s and has been building its position ever since. Production volumes have remained relatively quiet. The 2017 Oregon Vineyards and Wineries report recorded just under 34,000 acres (13,750 hectares) of planted vineyards.

California has more than ten times as much vineyard acreage as Oregon. Yet in the early 21st century, Oregon is considered a world-class wine region, especially for its Pinot noir. The classic Oregon Pinot has a Deepcherry red Color. It offers aromas of black cherries, stewed strawberries and an earthy edge.

News on wine flavors

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