The flavor of hickory in wine of Latium

Discover the of Latium wines revealing the of hickory flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Latium flavors

Lazio is a region in CentralItaly, where the ancient capital of Rome is located. The region's reputation is based primarily on its white wines, the main varieties of which are Trebbiano, Malvasia di Candia and Malvasia Puntinata. Traditionally, these wines were fat, Round, abboccato and intended for immediate consumption. Today, the styles are lighter, drier and crisper thanks to modern winemaking methods.

However, they are still meant to be drunk Young, characterized by their crispness, high Acidity and a lightness that makes them an ideal accompaniment to local cuisine. They cut through the heaviness of such dishes as porchetta (Roast pork with herbs) and abbacchio (young lamb). Although its red wines are not as famous, they are beginning to make a name for themselves. These include wines made from Sangiovese, Cesanese, Montepulciano, Merlot and Nero Buono di Coro.

News on wine flavors

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