Wines made from Pavana grapes

Discover the best wines made with Pavana as a single variety or as a blend .

More informations about the variety Pavana

A very old grape variety grown mainly in Italy. Nowadays, it can be found much more in the Trentino region and in the province of Bellino, ... in France it is almost unknown. Note that it is related to Schiava Lombardo and Turca.

What are the typical flavors of the Pavana grape variety?

News about the grape variety Pavana

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Rémy Cointreau launches luxury perfume house

The venture aims to bridge the worlds of fine spirits and luxury fragrances, with its first perfumes the result of a creative collaboration between Rémy Martin Cognac cellar master Baptiste Loiseau and Sophie Labbé, principal perfumer at fragrance and taste company Firmenich. Maison Psyché’s first five fragrances have spent time maturing in Rémy Martin’s cellars in Cognac, inside small oak casks, known as tonnelets, specially designed by Seguin Moreau. The fragrances will be packaged in Baccarat ...

Leading wine professionals sign letter calling for alternative packaging

The open letter, spearheaded by Wine Traders for Alternative Formats (WTAF), highlights the environmental impact of glass manufacturing and recycling. It notes that switching from glass to alternative formats could save ‘well over a third of the carbon footprint of wine consumed in the UK’ – the equivalent of taking 350,000 cars off the road overnight. Alternative formats such as boxed wine, canned wine, kegs, paper bottles and pouches all have much a smaller carbon footprint than glass. Oliver ...

Discover the best wines made with Pavana by country