Wines made from Grenache Blanc grapes of Faugères

Discover the best wines made with Grenache Blanc as a single variety or as a blend of Faugères.

More informations about the variety Grenache Blanc

More informations about the region of Languedoc-Roussillon

Faugeres is an appellation in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France. Although it also covers white and rosé wines, the appellation is best known for its Rich, ripe red wines made from the classic Rhone varieties of Syrah, Grenache and Mourvèdre, as well as the more MediterraneanCinsaut and Lladoner Pelut. The appellation covers the southern slopes of a series of hills only a few kilometres from the Mediterranean coast. The town of Faugeres forms the centre of the area, which extends 10 km from east to west.

What are the typical flavors of the Grenache Blanc grape variety?

News about the grape variety Grenache Blanc

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