Wines made from Concord grapes of Georgia

Discover the best wines made with Concord as a single variety or as a blend of Georgia.

More informations about the variety Concord

It is the result of a seedling planted in the United States, around 1840, recovered near the Concord River, a small river located east of Massachusetts. According to genetic analysis, it is an interspecific cross between the catawba and a vitis labrusca. Concord was for a long time the main variety cultivated in North America. It was introduced into Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, in France at the beginning of the phylloxera crisis, but was not widely propagated. It could be found in the Valleraugue region (Gard) at the foot of Mont Aigoual, in the Ardèche (our photos), etc. Today, it exists only as an isolated strain that can sometimes be found on the edge of a slope, which was our case. Through various and numerous crosses, it has been used to obtain some rootstocks and direct producer hybrids, which have now almost all disappeared.

More informations about the region of Georgia

Georgia is a state in the Southeastern United States, bordered by Alabama to the west and Florida to the south. Georgia was once one of the largest wine producing states in the country. However, the early arrival (1905) of Prohibition here killed the Georgia wine industry until the 1980s. Today, Georgia is one of the largest wine producing states in the southeastern United States.

What are the typical flavors of the Concord grape variety?

News about the grape variety Concord

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