The flavor of wax in wine of Tokat

Discover the of Tokat wines revealing the of wax flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Tokat flavors

The wine region of Tokat of Turkey. Wineries and vineyards like the Domaine Diren or the Domaine Diren produce mainly wines red, white and pink. The most planted grape varieties in the region of Tokat are Narince, Cabernet-Sauvignon and Kalecik karasi, they are then used in wines in blends or as a single variety. On the nose of Tokat often reveals types of flavors of earth, microbio or oak and sometimes also flavors of tree fruit, citrus fruit or floral.

We currently count 2 estates and châteaux in the of Tokat, producing 22 different wines in conventional, organic and biodynamic agriculture. The wines of Tokat go well with generally quite well with dishes of beef, lamb or spicy food.

News on wine flavors

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