The flavor of pencil shavings in wine of Maine

Discover the of Maine wines revealing the of pencil shavings flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Maine flavors

Maine is a state located in the far northeastern United States. Its boundaries are formed by the Atlantic Ocean, the international border with Canada, and the state's border with neighboring New Hampshire. The state covers just over 35,300 square miles (90,500 km²) of rugged coastline, low rolling coastal ranges and Dense forests. The latter occupy a significant area in the Center of the state.

Despite the cold Climate and difficult terrain, a small but growing wine industry is developing here. The Maine Wine Trail connects the Cellar doors of some 20 wineries, as well as breweries, cider mills and mead producers. Maine's industry is focused on the production of fruit wines (i. e.

, fruits other than grapes). The climate - and the natural penchant for fruit farming - has led local winemakers to capitalize on apple, cranberry, raspberry and especially blueberry wines.

News on wine flavors

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