The flavor of honeydew melon in wine of Andalousie

Discover the of Andalousie wines revealing the of honeydew melon flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Andalousie flavors

Andalusia, located in the southwest of Spain, is the southernmost administrative region of the Spanish mainland. It is home to the world-famous fortified wine, sherry. This dynamic region is the most populous in Spain and has a colourful history. Its strategic position at the gateway to the Mediterranean and its proximity to Africa have made it the target of many settlements and invasions throughout history.

Muslims, Romans, Iberians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Vandals, Visigoths, Byzantines, Christians and Castilians have all made Andalusia their home at one time or another, and each culture has left its mark. The name Andalucia is actually derived from the Arabic name for the region, Al-Andalus, which is thought to be a corruption of Vandalusia, meaning "land of the Vandals", referring to the brief period in the 5th century when the Vandals ruled the area. Because of this multicultural past, Andalusia has a strong and unique cultural identity. Bullfighting and flamenco, two quintessential traditions associated with Spain, were in fact born in Andalusia.

News on wine flavors

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