The flavor of honeycomb in wine of China

Discover the of China wines revealing the of honeycomb flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of China flavors

China has emerged on the world wine scene with unprecedented speed in recent years, both in terms of production and consumption. Currently, it is competing with several countries for the sixth place among wine-producing countries in terms of Volume. In terms of wine area, China is second only to Spain. In 2017, there were 847,000 hectares of Vineyards.

However, while 90% of French vineyards produce wine Grapes, in China, table grape production represents a similar percentage. However, domestic production fell for five consecutive years until 2017. In that year, one billion liters (264 million U. S.

gallons) were produced, compared to 1. 137 billion (300. 4 U. S.

News on wine flavors

Wine Australia closes Shanghai office after Chinese exports plunge

China was previously Australia’s leading export market, with sales worth $1.2 billion in the year to September 2020. However, Beijing then imposed a 212% tariff on imported wine from Australia as a retaliatory measure after Canberra called for an international investigation into China’s handling of the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan. Trade minister Simon Birmingham called it ‘a very distressing time for many hundreds of Australian wine producers, who have built in good faith a sound market in China’ ...

Australian wine exports fall as China tariffs bite  

Australian wine exports dropped by 19% to A$2.08bn in the year to 30 June, said trade body Wine Australia this week. While exports to some countries rose, notably the US, the group’s report for the 2021-22 financial year offered fresh insight into a slide in shipments to China. Mainland China imposed varying import tariffs ranging from 116% to more than 200% on Australian bottled wines from late 2020 onwards. Exports to China, including Hong Kong and Macau, dropped by 74% in the 12 months to 30 ...

Bordeaux wine sales to US see ‘spectacular recovery’

Bordeaux wine sales to the US reached a new record in 2021, jumping 67% to €349m ($390m), the Bordeaux wine council (CIVB) announced this week. A freeze on additional import tariffs and buyers’ thirst for highly-rated recent vintages helped Bordeaux to a ‘spectacular recovery’ in terms of shipments to the US, it said. Exports rose by 24% in volume last year to 247,000 hectolitres, equivalent to 33 million bottles. While reds dominate, the US has also become the biggest market for Bordeaux white ...

Discover the best wines with flavor de honeycomb of China