The flavor of hibiscus in wine of Vino da Tavola

Discover the of Vino da Tavola wines revealing the of hibiscus flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Vino da Tavola flavors

Vino da Tavola was the most basic classification of Italian wines. It is now renamed simply "Vino" and appears on labels as Vino d'Italia. The original name literally means "table wine" as opposed to premium wines from specific geographical locations (see EU wine label). In May 2011, the first legal steps were taken to abolish the Vino da Tavola category, in favor of a New classification of wines called simply Vino.

Typical Vino is a cheap wine blended from several regions and sometimes several Vintages. It is not labeled with its region(s) of origin, nor with its vintage. Vino (da Tavola) is regaining its original status. But in the 1980s and 1990s, some of Italy's most respected (and expensive) wines were labeled as Vino da Tavola.

News on wine flavors

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