The flavor of fresh bread in wine of El Pais Vasco

Discover the of El Pais Vasco wines revealing the of fresh bread flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of El Pais Vasco flavors

El Pais Vasco (officially La Comunidad Autonoma del País Vasco) is a fiercely independent region on the northern coast of Spain, near the Pyrenees and the border with France. In Basque, the region is called Euskadi, but to most English speakers it is referred to as the Basque Country. The Cantabrian Mountains form its western boundary, while the famous wine region of La RiojaLies to the South. Despite this, the region is not Particularly well known for its wine, although a group of determined producers have Long fought for recognition.

In fact, it is the historic port city of Bilbao (home to the Guggenheim Museum) and the beautiful seaside resort of San Sebastian that attract visitors to the region. Pais Vasco wine is synonymous with Txakoli (pronounced "Chac-o-lee"), a style of wine that is an integral part of the region's wine culture and traditions. This wine is direct and simple. It has a refreshing style with fruit-dominated characters, and can have a Slight fizz and high Acidity.

News on wine flavors

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